Space: The Longest Goodbye

Space: The Longest Goodbye

Premiered May 6, 2024

Directed by

Ido Mizrahy

NASA psychologists prepare astronauts for the extreme isolation of a three-year-long mission to Mars.


About the Documentary

NASA’s goal to send astronauts to Mars would require a three-year absence from Earth, during which communication in real time would be impossible due to the immense distance. Meet the psychologists whose job is to keep astronauts mentally stable in outer space, as they are caught between their dream of reaching new frontiers and the basic human need to stay connected to home.

The Filmmakers

Ido Mizrahy

Ido Mizrahy’s narrative and documentary films premiered at SXSW, Tribeca, and ND/NF, among many other festivals, and went on to win several awards. His films have been distributed by AMC, Sundance, Netflix, Amazon, and MTV. Mizrahy is co-directing a fictional VR experience, with Nir Sa’ar, that’s equal parts family drama and space thriller.

Nir Sa'ar

Science buff and veteran storyteller, Nir Sa'ar is drawn to the powerful intersection between novel technology and human drama. An award-winning filmmaker and creator of innovative immersive experiences, Sa’ar’s films and new-media work premiered in major film festivals such as Festival de Cannes, Venice, and Busan IFF.

Valda Witt

Valda Witt is an independent producer and investor based in New York City. Her narrative and documentary features have premiered at Tribeca, Venice, Oldenburg, and Hot Docs. Valda serves as president of the Browning School. She began her career in management consulting at McKinsey & Co. and has an MBA from the Wharton School.

Paul Cadieux

Paul Cadieux is one of Canada's most active producers. Among many other awards, he won a Genie Award for Best Film for Les Triplettes de Belleville. For over three decades in the industry, Paul has been centrally involved in major projects, including television programs, feature films, and international documentary co-productions.

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