The Grantchester Cast on Season 10

After a season of goodbyes and hellos, ups and downs, we asked the cast to share some Season 10 teasers. Read on to find out what stars Rishi Nair, Robson Green, and more had to say about their hopes and predictions for next season!

  1. 1.

    Rishi Nair

    Rishi Nair as new vicar Alphy Kottaram outside of the church in Grantchester Season 9

    “Alphy’s now settled in Grantchester and we see him not really fighting against the parish now—he’s been accepted in that. Obviously, there’s murders that are going to happen, and I think we see this friendship between Geordie and Alphy really blossoming,  and the way that they work together really flourishing.

    “In terms of Alphy, we’ve seen him as a very happy-go-lucky, glass half-full kind of guy, very confident and up for every challenge. But I think in Season 10, we’ll start to unravel some of the secrets that he’s been hiding and we get to know Alphy maybe for the man who he really is, rather than the man that he presents to the world.”

    Check out the full Season 9 interview with Rishi Nair. 

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    Robson Green

    Close up color photo of actor Robson Green in character as DI Geordie Keating in the crime series Grantchester, which airs on PBS MASTERPIECE.

    “The relationship with Alphy and Geordie will progress into something extraordinarily beautiful and hopefully, life-changing in terms of cultural acceptance of the melting pot that is the beauty of this country. The acceptance of—irrespective of what land you’re from or where you’re from—who you are. It’s just about your character, not the color of your skin.”

    Check out the full Season 9 interview with Robson Green, as well as his insider guide to the real village of Grantchester and Cambridge.

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    Melissa Johns

    Melissa Johns as Miss Scott in Grantchester Season 9

    “I think that for Miss Scott, we will probably find out a little bit more about her. We very much know who Miss Scott is in the police station and we have no idea who she is at home. Hopefully, we might be able to find out a little bit more about what makes her think she’s not worthy of love or marriage, or what makes her think she doesn’t want that or can’t have that. I’m looking forward to hopefully Miss Scott having more relationships with some of the other characters. The one I’m desperate for—and there’s no hint of this whatsoever—but I am desperate for some sort of relationship with Mrs. C. Please just get Miss Scott and Mrs. C. together.

    “But I just honestly cannot wait to get those dresses back on, slip into the shoes, and just see where Season 10 takes Miss Scott and her relationship with everyone, specifically with Larry. Where is that going to go? What’s that going to look like? Who knows? I’m excited.”

    Check out the full, joint Season 9 interview with Melissa Johns and Bradley Hall.

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    Bradley Hall

    “For Larry, there’s some nice bits, which I hope they keep, where we see him develop a relationship with Alphy. I’m interested to see how that can work, because Larry is sure of himself now where he is, so I don’t think he’s going to be jealous of Alphy.

    “There’s also another possible relationship that happens where—and this is a long shot—Larry develops a friendship with Leonard. That, to me, is a big change to anything we’ve seen before, so I’d love that. And Al [Weaver], he’s a fantastic actor, director, and a fantastic bloke as well. So I would love to be able to do some more scenes with him where maybe Larry and Leonard can have a sort of moment of enjoying each other’s company. So these are all potential things that might happen, but I don’t know if they will.”

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    Kacey Ainsworth

    “Well, obviously, I want Cathy to end up, basically, as being Anna Wintour. She starts with this department store job and the fashion and everything takes her fancy, and she ends up becoming, well, let’s say a mixture between Victoria Beckham and Anna Wintour. I want her to end up editing a magazine or something like that. It would be wonderful, but it’s really because I want to have a fashion show of some description, and I want to do that.

    “As for what might happen in Season 10, there’s some really wonderful things in there and some really funny things too. There’s a beautiful, funny tie up with Mrs. C. and Cathy, which I can’t wait to see play out in the scene!”

    Check out the full Season 9 interview with Kacey Ainsworth.


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